Kay Park
The boardwalk, wetland and marginal beds are nearing completion over at Kay Park in Kilmarnock. It has been a long slog for all the guys, in pretty difficult conditions, so thanks to all of the team for sticking it out!
The formwork for the concrete pads, to support the boardwalk structure, went in before the Christmas break. We then went back in January, to a snowy Kay Park to complete building the boardwalk structure.
Working on this pond has been completely different from some of our other projects. After partially draining the pond, we found there was silt instead of mud! We created several marginal planting beds by installing wooden frameworks along the edge of the pond. To complete the beds, silt was dredged up and used to fill behind these boarded areas.
While all this work was going on, the swan family still had water to guddle around in. We also saw that the huge eels were sliding around in the water quite happily.
Please click here for more information on Kay Park and the surrounding area.
If you would like to find out more about this project, or any of our other projects, the please get in touch.